Report highlights pride pupils take in school

Published: Tuesday 2 July 2024

This image shows pupils from St John the Baptist Primary School having fun reading

The warm and nurturing environment makes pupils proud to be at St John the Baptist Primary School.

Following a visit by Education Scotland inspectors, an HMIe report into the Uddingston school highlighted that the “warm and nurturing relationships” created a happy and inclusive community of faith and learning” at the school in Uddingston.

The report also said the children were “welcoming, friendly and polite” and were “proud of their school, keen to learn and engage well with their learning activities”.

Staff also worked very effectively to support children’s learning and wellbeing needs while the senior staff robustly monitored the health and wellbeing of the pupils.

Catherine Currie, Head Teacher at St John the Baptist Primary School, said: “I am delighted with our inspection report which recognises our school’s warm and nurturing culture and ethos.

“The report highlights that our children are, rightly, very proud of their school, engage well in their learning and are happy, friendly and polite.

“I am very grateful to the whole team. Staff, parents and partners consistently support us and work very effectively with us, to achieve positive outcomes.

“We look forward to continuing to build our community of faith and learning.”

This image shows pupils from St John the Baptist Primary School having fun learning

The staff will now continue to identify ways to further increase the involvement of the whole school community.

Ways will also be looked at to make sure that pupils best possible progress can be met through an improved pace in children’s learning activities.

Carole McKenzie, the council’s Executive Director of Education, said: “Well done to Catherine Currie and all her staff for such a well-deserved report.

“Instilling pride across the school community is no easy task but this is exactly what has been achieved thanks to the inclusive nature across the whole school.

“This really is a very positive report from Education Scotland which I am sure has pleased everyone involved in making St John the Baptist Primary School what it is today – a school to be proud of.”